mirror's Blog

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给 mirror 留言

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If you wrote an arti 说:
2016年6月24日 19:55

If you wrote an article about life we'd all reach enlightenment.

Thanks for helping m 说:
2016年6月24日 08:04

Thanks for helping me to see things in a different light.

Meus cabelos são cr 说:
2016年6月23日 05:08

Meus cabelos são crespos e cada um mês ele ja começa mostrar as caras, Cabelos cacheados e crespos se destacam mais quando cresce dando aquele ar de necessitar um retoque, é normal… a minha cabelireira disse que o aconselhavel é retocar cada tres meses, quando fala tres meses a ideia que vem na cabeça é que vai virar cachopa né… mas é preciso dar um tempo para cabelo….. bjos gisa

That's an apt answer 说:
2016年6月21日 17:42

That's an apt answer to an interesting question

vivien disse:Olá Li 说:
2016年6月17日 12:52

vivien disse:Olá Lina,Adoro suas dicas de Paris, parabéns!!!!Em novembro estarei indo novamente e vou ao mont saint michel; pergunto: como ir de saint michel a saint malo? tem ônibus? trem? como é perto ,seria razoável alugar taxi?ObrigadaVivien

often ask me if it&# 说:
2016年6月16日 18:36

often ask me if it’s possible to share a dream with someone else.  I have had several experiences where I had the same dream as someone else, but when I really thought about it I realized that all

Congrats on your suc 说:
2016年6月15日 18:11

Congrats on your successful update, dear boy. I hope that future WordPress updates will now be simpler, since you presumably won’t have to change character sets again.

We need a lot more i 说:
2016年6月14日 07:54

We need a lot more insights like this!

Help, I've been info 说:
2016年6月13日 17:45

Help, I've been informed and I can't become ignorant.

As a former army off 说:
2016年6月13日 11:48

As a former army officer and an energy consultant today- I cannot fathom decisions made on false premises and incomplete information. These idiots had much info and keystone cop decision making or they did nothing. It looks like- let the ambassador dangle in the wind.Reply

If I communicated I 说:
2016年6月12日 20:28

If I communicated I could thank you enough for this, I'd be lying.

This info is the cat 说:
2016年6月11日 17:07

This info is the cat's pajamas!

Totally been there! 说:
2016年6月11日 03:19

Totally been there! I admire your decision. We've got to support each other in this! P.S. That's why I don't get around to everyone's blog as frequently any more. But I still follow and read, and understand that others do the same with mine. So it works.

Sorry to hear that y 说:
2016年6月11日 01:01

Sorry to hear that your gear got stolen. Not a nice feeling when you your place invaded by these fools & to have stuff that means more to you than it does to them irrespective of the value.Wont be too long before you will be back posting images with another 1.8 or better

John(20:Interesting 说:
2016年6月09日 14:05

John(20:Interesting response, somewhat well reasoned. I just cannot figure you out. You remind me of Otter from Animal House. Nice enough of a person just got beat up a lot by the seniors when you pledged as a freshman cause you were so obnoxious.

Your cranium must be 说:
2016年6月05日 12:40

Your cranium must be protecting some very valuable brains.

We've arrived at the 说:
2016年6月04日 20:56

We've arrived at the end of the line and I have what I need!

It's a joy to find s 说:
2016年6月04日 01:24

It's a joy to find someone who can think like that

Damn, it almost make 说:
2016年5月31日 19:14

Damn, it almost makes me regret not taking that engineering job with Segway. (before "Ginger" was outed as a gyroscooter)Odd thing about Neu Hampster, though, they have government liquor stores.

This was so helpful 说:
2016年5月29日 20:14

This was so helpful and easy! Do you have any articles on rehab?